As a girl from Alabama this recipe is regional for the state. I grew up in south Alabama on vinegar based barbecue sauce… A traditional sauce using vinegar and tomato sauce. This sauce hails from north Alabama. From everything I have read it seems it was first made in Decatur, Alabama.
I personally enjoy this sauce best on chicken. Now to the sauce
White Barbecue Sauce
1 cup mayonaise
1 cup white distilled vinegar
1 tsp salt
2 TBSP ground black pepper
Wisk all together in a bowl.
Marinate your chicken 8+ hours in the sauce place in your fridge covered. The sauce above is for approximately 6-8 chicken breasts.
Grill your chicken and slice to serve. Then make another batch of the sauce and serve in gravy boats on the table for additional sauce during dinner.
Confession: I only eat mayo on Tomato sandwiches and even then only a thin layer. I do not like mayo but I love this BBQ sauce. It is really really great and such an easy recipe to enjoy with your family and friends.
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